5 Things-To-Know About Sensitive People

Sticks and stones may break my bones , but words will never hurt me…Paah says who? Some of us are extremely sensitive to everything we come across. Emotional fools for a want of better word. Here are 5 things you might want to know while dealing with them or maybe find out about yourself :

1)Overthink Every Situation
They can overthink and over analyze the most innocent of conversations. Their minds are coming up with the most preposterous reasons for something happening.

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Courtesy : Tumblr.com

2)Tear Pool
They cry when they are happy, sad and read this carefully, angry too. You can never fathom what they would’ve twisted to affect them so. Note of caution: Pick your words wisely or be ready to wipe the mess when the pipe bursts.


Courtesy : Tumblr.com
Courtesy : Tumblr.com

3)Remember It All
Stashed away in their head is some old instance of when you crossed them. Do not fret, for you shall be reminded about it soon enough. They forgive and never forget. They probably have planned a better comeback for a conversation you had ages ago. Just saying.

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Courtesy : Tumblr.com

4)Karma Believers
They have full faith in the powers of Karma. Since they silently (or blatantly) face the brunt of people , they believe that some day Karma will smack the wrong doers in the face. Here’s a silent prayer for all those who might be on their list knowingly or otherwise. 😋

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5) Tough Outer Shell
The most important one, they are the toughest people you meet on the outside. They put on a facade of an unshakable armor, but right underneath that is the softest heart that feels too much. Call it defensiveness, but they don’t show. So next time you feel someone is so uptight, it might just be a good act.

Courtesy : Tumblr.com
Courtesy : Tumblr.com

Having given you a heads up, take them as they come because they love openly and hurt easily. They believe in doing good and expect that back in return. They will be the most genuine and amusing people you will ever meet in this cold world. 😊

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