Mumbai Mumblings

Mumbai. Bombay. Mayanagri. City of Dreams. A city that has been on my travel list for a while now, but the invite never presented itself. Until now. And what a calling it was! If only there was a way, I could begin by penning down the noises and voices that reverberate in my head when I... Continue Reading →

XY Chromosome Chasm

It never ceases to amaze me how different everyone in this world is, going through so very differently unique experiences. Some grasping it, some grazing past it. Some like me, writing about it in the middle of the night instead of sleeping. Male figures others probably grew up with - Grandfathers, Fathers, Brothers, Step-brothers. Male... Continue Reading →

The Pandemic Umrah Chronicles

A moment in history. One for the books, one for the memoirs and blogs. One to tell your future kids about if God forbid we don't get wiped out by a plague by then. Umrah is the voluntary pilgrimage that Muslims all across the globe make, and due to the pandemic, this is currently only... Continue Reading →

Longing Through the Longest Distance

Readers and loners, I present to you my tale of whining about the most written about and dissected topic via all kinds of literary pieces in the world! DISTANCE The horrible distance between you and your loved ones, you and your significant others, you and your best friends, you and just anyone who's energy you... Continue Reading →

Foresight for sore eyes

Chuckling to myself at the caption of this piece. It really does not do any justice to the tone of what I'm about to reflect on, but hey it makes sense to me. Recently, Mari Andrew uploaded a doodle on her feed, and I have been obsessed with her work this year. It triggered a... Continue Reading →

Finding Your Tribe

  Intensely, severely and profoundly. Three words that describe my emotions about this. I have gone back and forth a couple of times on this post, never feeling its adequate or expressive enough. But here goes my two cents on friendships and the importance of right company. These are lessons I have learnt through personal... Continue Reading →

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